Introducing the first Inclusion Index
Introducing the first Inclusion Index
Introducing the first Inclusion Index

This fall, Alda is announcing the first comprehensive inclusion measurement in the Icelandic Labor Market!

This fall, Alda is announcing the first comprehensive inclusion measurement in the Icelandic Labor Market!

The Icelandic HR Association and Alda have collaborated in measuring inclusion in Icelandic workplaces. Around 80 organisations with a total of 20-25 thousand employees in Iceland have received Alda's Inclusion Pulse, which measures inclusion within the workplace. This initiative holds great importance, as its results will highlight the inclusiveness of Icelandic workplaces and its labour market overall. 

On October 4th, the Icelandic HR Association Day, The Inclusion Index for Iceland  will be introduced.

Companies and institutions participating in the Inclusion Pulse will receive their Inclusion Score, which they can compare to the Inclusion Index of the Icelandic labour market. Additionally, Alda’s customers will have access to the Inclusion Index database where they can benchmark against other organisations in the same industry, of the same size, etc.

Inclusion Pulse Methodology

Alda Solutions ehf.

kt. 590820-1480

Hafnarstraeti 20,

101 Reykjavik, Iceland

Alda Solutions ehf.

kt. 590820-1480

Hafnarstraeti 20,

101 Reykjavik, Iceland

Alda Solutions ehf.

kt. 590820-1480

Hafnarstraeti 20,

101 Reykjavik, Iceland